object WeblServerForm: TWeblServerForm Left = 339 Top = 282 Caption = 'Web Application Server - FMX V8.71 - 13th December 2022' ClientHeight = 564 ClientWidth = 852 FormFactor.Width = 320 FormFactor.Height = 480 FormFactor.Devices = [Desktop, iPhone, iPad] OnCreate = FormCreate OnClose = FormClose Left = 339 Top = 282 DesignerMasterStyle = 0 object ToolsPanel: TPanel Align = Top Size.Width = 852.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 41.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 0 object StartButton: TButton Default = True Position.X = 29.000000000000000000 Position.Y = 8.000000000000000000 Size.Width = 57.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 21.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 0 Text = '&Start' OnClick = StartButtonClick end object StopButton: TButton Enabled = False Position.X = 111.000000000000000000 Position.Y = 8.000000000000000000 Size.Width = 57.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 21.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 1 Text = 'S&top' OnClick = StopButtonClick end object RecheckCertsButton: TButton Position.X = 184.000000000000000000 Position.Y = 8.000000000000000000 Size.Width = 102.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 21.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 2 Text = 'Recheck Ssl Certs' OnClick = RecheckCertsButtonClick end object DisplayHeaderCheckBox: TCheckBox Position.X = 497.000000000000000000 Position.Y = 10.000000000000000000 Size.Width = 179.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 17.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 3 Text = 'Display HTTP Protocol' end object DisplaySslInfo: TCheckBox IsChecked = True Position.X = 315.000000000000000000 Position.Y = 10.000000000000000000 Size.Width = 174.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 16.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 4 Text = 'Display SSL Client Info' end end object DisplayMemo: TMemo Touch.InteractiveGestures = [Pan, LongTap, DoubleTap] DataDetectorTypes = [] Lines.Strings = ( 'Please note that this sample takes all it'#39's settings from an INI' + ' file. ' '' 'The INI file needs to be manually edited to add multiple Host se' + 'ctions to ' 'define the web server behaviour. A default INI file is copied t' + 'o user' 'space when first run and the file to edit shown on start-up. ') Align = Client Size.Width = 852.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 523.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 1 Top = 41 Viewport.Width = 848.000000000000000000 Viewport.Height = 519.000000000000000000 end object Timer1: TTimer Enabled = False OnTimer = Timer1Timer Left = 325 Top = 130 end object SslHttpAppSrv1: TSslHttpAppSrv ListenBacklog = 5 MultiListenSockets = <> Port = '80' Addr = '' SocketFamily = sfIPv4 MaxClients = 0 DocDir = 'c:\wwwroot' TemplateDir = 'c:\wwwroot\templates' DefaultDoc = 'index.html' LingerOnOff = wsLingerNoSet LingerTimeout = 0 Options = [] KeepAliveTimeSec = 10 KeepAliveTimeXferSec = 300 MaxRequestsKeepAlive = 100 SizeCompressMin = 5000 SizeCompressMax = 5000000 MaxBlkSize = 8192 BandwidthLimit = 0 BandwidthSampling = 1000 ServerHeader = 'Server: ICS-HttpServer-8.69' OnServerStarted = SslHttpAppSrv1ServerStarted OnServerStopped = SslHttpAppSrv1ServerStopped OnClientConnect = SslHttpAppSrv1ClientConnect OnGetDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1GetDocument OnHeadDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1HeadDocument OnPostDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1PostDocument OnOptionsDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1OptionsDocument OnPutDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1PutDocument OnDeleteDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1DeleteDocument OnTraceDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1TraceDocument OnPatchDocument = SslHttpAppSrv1PatchDocument OnBeforeProcessRequest = SslHttpAppSrv1BeforeProcessRequest OnAfterAnswer = SslHttpAppSrv1AfterAnswer OnHttpMimeContentType = SslHttpAppSrv1HttpMimeContentType OnAuthGetPassword = SslHttpAppSrv1AuthGetPassword OnAuthResult = SslHttpAppSrv1AuthResult OnAuthGetType = SslHttpAppSrv1AuthGetType OnAuthNtlmBeforeValidate = SslHttpAppSrv1AuthNtlmBeforeValidate AuthTypes = [] AuthRealm = 'ics' OnBgException = SslHttpAppSrv1BgException SocketErrs = wsErrFriendly ExclusiveAddr = True onWellKnownDir = SslHttpAppSrv1WellKnownDir OnHttpRespHdr = SslHttpAppSrv1HttpRespHdr SessionTimeout = 300 MaxSessions = 100 OnDeleteSession = SslHttpAppSrv1DeleteSession OnVirtualException = SslHttpAppSrv1VirtualException OnDisplay = SslHttpAppSrv1Display SslEnable = False IcsHosts = <> SslCliCertMethod = sslCliCertNone SslCertAutoOrder = False CertExpireDays = 30 SslX509Certs = IcsSslX509Certs OcspSrvStapling = False OnSslHandshakeDone = SslHttpAppSrv1SslHandshakeDone OnSslServerName = SslHttpAppSrv1SslServerName OnSslAlpnSelect = SslHttpAppSrv1SslAlpnSelect Left = 400 Top = 130 end object IcsSslX509Certs: TSslX509Certs AcmeAccKeyType = PrivKeyRsa2048 AutoOrderComplete = False CertSubAltNames = <> CertCsrOrigin = CsrOriginProps CertOutFmts = [] CertSerNumType = SerNumRandom CertSignDigestType = Digest_sha256 CertValidity = 365 DebugLevel = DebugConn DomWebSrvIP = '' KeepOldCA = False LogJson = False LogPkeys = False OAAuthType = OAuthTypeWeb OARefreshAuto = False OARefrMinsPrior = 120 OAWebSrvIP = '' OAWebSrvPort = '8080' PrivKeyCipher = PrivKeyEncNone PrivKeyType = PrivKeyRsa2048 AutoAccountClose = False AccountTimeOutMins = 10 SeqOrderNum = 0 SocketFamily = sfAny SuppCertChallenge = ChallNone SupplierProto = SuppProtoNone OnCertProg = IcsSslX509CertsCertProg OnNewCert = IcsSslX509CertsNewCert OnOAuthAuthUrl = IcsSslX509CertsOAuthAuthUrl OnChallengeDNS = IcsSslX509CertsChallengeDNS Left = 255 Top = 130 end object IcsMailQueue: TIcsMailQueue MailServers = <> Active = False ArchiveSent = False DeleteFailed = True Debug = False BodyDebug = False RetryList = '5,5,10,10,30,30,60,90,300,300,300,300' QuStartDelay = 3 SslVerMethod = MailSslVerNone SslRevocation = False SslReportChain = False SslRootFile = 'RootCaCertsBundle.pem' MailCliSecurity = sslCliSecTls11 SmtpMethod = MailSmtpRelay FileQuSent = '"MailQuSent-"yyyymmdd".log' LogQuSent = False MxSrvUseSsl = False MxSocketFamily = sfIPv4 LogEvent = IcsMailQueueLogEvent OATokenEvent = IcsMailQueueOATokenEvent OcspCacheFile = 'ocspmailqucache.recs' Left = 165 Top = 130 end object IcsRestEmail: TIcsRestEmail RestEmailType = RestEmailGoogle ForceLogin = False LoginTimeout = 120 HdrFieldList = 'to,from,subject,date' DebugLevel = DebugNone OAAuthType = OAuthTypeWeb MsUserAuth = 'consumers' OnEmailProg = IcsRestEmailEmailProg OnEmailNewToken = IcsRestEmailEmailNewToken OnOAAuthUrl = IcsRestEmailOAAuthUrl Left = 85 Top = 130 end end