program OverbyteIcsDDWebService64; { DD Service Application Framework Requirement DDService is an enhanced Windows NT service application framework for Delphi and C++ Builder based on the original VCL service framework. In addition to it it also encapsulates new Windows NT service APIs introduced since Windows 2000. Original author was the late Arno Garrels of Duodata in Berlin. Now being maintained by Magenta Systems Ltd. DDService must be installed before opening this sample. Once the sample is built, it may be installed as a Windows service from an elevated command line prompt with the command OverbyteIcsDDWebService.exe /install. But this sample is written to it may also be run as a GUI for debugging. } uses Forms, SysUtils, DDSvcMgr, OverbyteIcsDDWebServiceCtl in 'OverbyteIcsDDWebServiceCtl.pas' {DDWebServiceCtl: TDDService}, OverbyteIcsDDWebServiceSrv in 'OverbyteIcsDDWebServiceSrv.pas' {DDWebServiceSrv}, OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebDataModule in 'OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebDataModule.pas' {SslMultiWebDataModule: TDataModule}; {$R *.RES} function MyStartService: Boolean; begin GInstalling := FindCmdLineSwitch('install', ['-','\','/'], True) or FindCmdLineSwitch('uninstall', ['-','\','/'], True); if GInstalling then begin Result := True; Exit; end; GStartedByScm := FindCmdLineSwitch(GServiceIdent, ['-','\','/'], False); Result := GStartedByScm; end; begin if MyStartService then begin DDSvcMgr.Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TDDWebServiceCtl, DDWebServiceCtl); if NOT GInstalling then begin // only installing windows service Forms.Application.CreateForm(TDDWebServiceSrv, DDWebServiceSrv); Forms.Application.CreateForm(TSslMultiWebDataModule, SslMultiWebDataModule); end; DDSvcMgr.Application.Run; end else begin // windows GUI Forms.Application.Initialize; Forms.Application.Title := 'Overbyte DDService Web Server'; Forms.Application.CreateForm(TDDWebServiceSrv, DDWebServiceSrv); Forms.Application.CreateForm(TSslMultiWebDataModule, SslMultiWebDataModule); Forms.Application.Run; end; end.