object FtpServerForm: TFtpServerForm Left = 245 Top = 305 Caption = 'ICS Multi FTP Server - V8.71 14th February 2023' ClientHeight = 600 ClientWidth = 843 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Position = poDesigned OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow TextHeight = 13 object ToolsPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 843 Height = 41 Align = alTop TabOrder = 0 object StartButton: TButton Left = 29 Top = 8 Width = 57 Height = 21 Caption = '&Start' Default = True TabOrder = 0 OnClick = StartButtonClick end object StopButton: TButton Left = 111 Top = 8 Width = 57 Height = 21 Caption = 'S&top' Enabled = False TabOrder = 1 OnClick = StopButtonClick end object RecheckCertsButton: TButton Left = 184 Top = 8 Width = 102 Height = 21 Caption = 'Recheck Ssl Certs' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = RecheckCertsButtonClick end object DiagsSslLow: TCheckBox Left = 375 Top = 10 Width = 206 Height = 17 Caption = 'SSL Low Level Diags' TabOrder = 3 end end object DisplayMemo: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 41 Width = 843 Height = 559 Align = alClient Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] Lines.Strings = ( 'Please note that this sample takes all it'#39's settings from an INI' + ' file. ' '' 'The INI file needs to be manually edited to add multiple Host se' + 'ctions to ' 'define the web server behaviour. A default INI file is copied t' + 'o user' 'space when first run and the file to edit shown on start-up. ') ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 1 end object Timer1: TTimer Enabled = False OnTimer = Timer1Timer Left = 335 Top = 130 end object IcsSslX509Certs: TSslX509Certs AcmeAccKeyType = PrivKeyRsa2048 AutoOrderComplete = False CertSubAltNames = <> CertCsrOrigin = CsrOriginProps CertOutFmts = [] CertSerNumType = SerNumRandom CertSignDigestType = Digest_sha256 CertValidity = 365 DebugLevel = DebugConn DomWebSrvIP = '' KeepOldCA = False LogJson = False LogPkeys = False OAAuthType = OAuthTypeWeb OARefreshAuto = False OARefrMinsPrior = 120 OAWebSrvIP = '' OAWebSrvPort = '8080' PrivKeyCipher = PrivKeyEncNone PrivKeyType = PrivKeyRsa2048 AutoAccountClose = False AccountTimeOutMins = 10 SeqOrderNum = 0 SocketFamily = sfAny SuppCertChallenge = ChallNone SupplierProto = SuppProtoNone OnCertProg = IcsSslX509CertsCertProg OnNewCert = IcsSslX509CertsNewCert OnOAuthAuthUrl = IcsSslX509CertsOAuthAuthUrl OnChallengeDNS = IcsSslX509CertsChallengeDNS Left = 255 Top = 125 end object IcsMailQueue: TIcsMailQueue MailServers = <> Active = False ArchiveSent = False DeleteFailed = True Debug = False BodyDebug = False RetryList = '5,5,10,10,30,30,60,90,300,300,300,300' QuStartDelay = 3 SslVerMethod = MailSslVerNone SslRevocation = False SslReportChain = False SslRootFile = 'RootCaCertsBundle.pem' MailCliSecurity = sslCliSecTls11 SmtpMethod = MailSmtpRelay FileQuSent = '"MailQuSent-"yyyymmdd".log' LogQuSent = False MxSrvUseSsl = False MxSocketFamily = sfIPv4 LogEvent = IcsMailQueueLogEvent OATokenEvent = IcsMailQueueOATokenEvent OcspCacheFile = 'ocspmailqucache.recs' Left = 190 Top = 125 end object SslFtpServer1: TSslFtpServer IcsLogger = IcsLogger1 Addr = '' SocketFamily = sfIPv4 Port = 'ftp' ListenBackLog = 5 MultiListenSockets = <> Banner = '220 ICS FTP Server ready.' UserData = 0 MaxClients = 0 PasvPortRangeStart = 0 PasvPortRangeSize = 0 Options = [ftpsCwdCheck, ftpsCdupHome, ftpsSiteXmlsd] MD5UseThreadFileSize = 0 TimeoutSecsLogin = 60 TimeoutSecsIdle = 300 TimeoutSecsXfer = 60 ZlibMinLevel = 1 ZlibMaxLevel = 9 ZlibNoCompExt = '.zip;.rar;.7z;.cab;.lzh;.gz;.avi;.wmv;.mpg;.mp3;.jpg;.png;' AlloExtraSpace = 1000000 ZlibMinSpace = 50000000 ZlibMaxSize = 500000000 CodePage = 0 Language = 'EN*' MaxAttempts = 12 BandwidthLimit = 0 BandwidthSampling = 1000 OnStart = SslFtpServer1Start OnStop = SslFtpServer1Stop OnAuthenticate = SslFtpServer1Authenticate OnOtpMethod = SslFtpServer1OtpMethod OnOtpGetPassword = SslFtpServer1OtpGetPassword OnClientDisconnect = SslFtpServer1ClientDisconnect OnClientConnect = SslFtpServer1ClientConnect OnClientCommand = SslFtpServer1ClientCommand OnAnswerToClient = SslFtpServer1AnswerToClient OnChangeDirectory = SslFtpServer1ChangeDirectory OnMakeDirectory = SslFtpServer1MakeDirectory OnBuildDirectory = SslFtpServer1BuildDirectory OnAlterDirectory = SslFtpServer1AlterDirectory OnStorSessionConnected = SslFtpServer1StorSessionConnected OnRetrSessionConnected = SslFtpServer1RetrSessionConnected OnRetrSessionClosed = SslFtpServer1RetrSessionClosed OnRetrDataSent = SslFtpServer1RetrDataSent OnValidatePut = SslFtpServer1ValidatePut OnValidateDele = SslFtpServer1ValidateDele OnValidateRnFr = SslFtpServer1ValidateRnFr OnGetProcessing = SslFtpServer1GetProcessing OnBuildFilePath = SslFtpServer1BuildFilePath OnDisplay = SslFtpServer1Display OnHost = SslFtpServer1Host OnRein = SslFtpServer1Rein OnBgException = SslFtpServer1BgException SocketErrs = wsErrTech ExclusiveAddr = True OnSslVerifyPeer = SslFtpServer1SslVerifyPeer OnSslHandshakeDone = SslFtpServer1SslHandshakeDone FtpSslTypes = [] IcsHosts = <> SslCertAutoOrder = False CertExpireDays = 30 SslX509Certs = IcsSslX509Certs OcspSrvStapling = False OnSslServerName = SslFtpServer1SslServerName Left = 435 Top = 125 end object IcsRestEmail: TIcsRestEmail RestEmailType = RestEmailGoogle ForceLogin = False LoginTimeout = 120 HdrFieldList = 'to,from,subject,date' DebugLevel = DebugNone OAAuthType = OAuthTypeWeb MsUserAuth = 'consumers' OnEmailProg = IcsRestEmailEmailProg OnEmailNewToken = IcsRestEmailEmailNewToken OnOAAuthUrl = IcsRestEmailOAAuthUrl Left = 95 Top = 125 end object IcsLogger1: TIcsLogger TimeStampFormatString = 'hh:nn:ss:zzz' TimeStampSeparator = ' ' LogFileOption = lfoAppend LogFileEncoding = lfeUtf8 LogOptions = [] OnIcsLogEvent = IcsLogger1IcsLogEvent Left = 535 Top = 126 end object IcsIpStrmLog1: TIcsIpStrmLog MaxSockets = 1 RemoteHost = '' RemoteIpPort = '514' SocFamily = sfIPv4 LocalIpAddr = '' LocalIpPort = '0' SrvIcsHosts = <> ForceSsl = False PingWaitSecs = 5 CheckPing = False RetryAttempts = 0 RetryWaitSecs = 10 RetryNoImm = False AutoReconnect = True LogProtocol = logprotUdpClient KeepAliveSecs = 120 UdpNoCRLF = True AddCRLF = True LineEndType = lineendLF CustomLineEnd = '$03' MaxLineLen = 500 StripControls = True RawData = False MaxSendBuffer = 65536 SndBufSize = 65536 RcvBufSize = 65536 SrvTimeoutSecs = 0 MaxRecvData = 0 LogSslCliSecurity = sslCliSecTls12 SslSessCache = True LogSslVerMethod = logSslVerNone LogSslRevocation = False LogSslReportChain = False LogSslRootFile = 'RootCaCertsBundle.pem' SrvCertAutoOrder = False CertExpireDays = 30 UseUtf8 = False Left = 640 Top = 125 end object IcsIpStrmLog2: TIcsIpStrmLog MaxSockets = 1 RemoteIpPort = '514' SocFamily = sfIPv4 LocalIpAddr = '' LocalIpPort = '0' SrvIcsHosts = <> ForceSsl = False PingWaitSecs = 5 CheckPing = False RetryAttempts = 0 RetryWaitSecs = 10 RetryNoImm = False AutoReconnect = True LogProtocol = logprotUdpClient KeepAliveSecs = 120 UdpNoCRLF = False AddCRLF = True LineEndType = lineendLF CustomLineEnd = '$03' MaxLineLen = 132 StripControls = True RawData = False MaxSendBuffer = 65536 SndBufSize = 65536 RcvBufSize = 65536 SrvTimeoutSecs = 0 MaxRecvData = 0 LogSslCliSecurity = sslCliSecTls12 SslSessCache = True LogSslVerMethod = logSslVerNone LogSslRevocation = False LogSslReportChain = False LogSslRootFile = 'RootCaCertsBundle.pem' SrvCertAutoOrder = False CertExpireDays = 30 UseUtf8 = False Left = 735 Top = 130 end end