object Form1: TForm1 Left = 196 Top = 51 Caption = 'ICS Multi File Transfer Demo - https://www.overbyte.eu - 3 Aug' + ' 2024' ClientHeight = 806 ClientWidth = 922 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy TextHeight = 14 object Label1: TLabel Left = 460 Top = 2 Width = 418 Height = 42 Caption = 'The demonstration application is designed to show how the three ' + 'multi file rransfer components are used from code, there are num' + 'erous properties at are set in code, not through the GUI. ' WordWrap = True end object LabelProgress: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 346 Width = 890 Height = 46 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Progress:' WordWrap = True end object LabelSslState: TLabel Left = 610 Top = 197 Width = 161 Height = 34 AutoSize = False Caption = 'LabelSslState' WordWrap = True end object Label26: TLabel Left = 460 Top = 186 Width = 119 Height = 42 Caption = 'This demo supports full Unicode when built with Delphi 2009 and ' + 'later. ' WordWrap = True end object lbl1: TLabel Left = 713 Top = 150 Width = 92 Height = 14 Caption = 'SSL Client Security' end object Label29: TLabel Left = 460 Top = 55 Width = 65 Height = 14 Caption = 'Log Directory' end object LogText: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 535 Width = 922 Height = 271 Align = alBottom Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 0 end object PageControl1: TPageControl Left = 8 Top = 5 Width = 440 Height = 335 ActivePage = TabSheet5 MultiLine = True TabOrder = 2 object TabSheet1: TTabSheet Caption = 'TIcsFileCopy' object Label2: TLabel Left = 3 Top = 0 Width = 82 Height = 14 Caption = 'Source Directory' end object Label3: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 50 Width = 82 Height = 14 Caption = 'Source File Mask' end object Label4: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 70 Width = 77 Height = 14 Caption = 'Target Directory' end object Label19: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 120 Width = 30 Height = 14 Caption = 'Logon' end object Label20: TLabel Left = 170 Top = 118 Width = 50 Height = 14 Caption = 'Password' end object Label27: TLabel Left = 158 Top = 52 Width = 77 Height = 14 Caption = 'Ignore Directory' end object Label31: TLabel Left = 6 Top = 150 Width = 81 Height = 14 Caption = 'File Replacement' end object doCopyCheck: TButton Left = 30 Top = 221 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Check Copy Files' TabOrder = 13 OnClick = CopyFiles end object doCopyList: TButton Left = 30 Top = 190 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'List Source Files' TabOrder = 12 OnClick = doCopyListClick end object CopySrcDir: TEdit Left = 3 Top = 20 Width = 416 Height = 22 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'c:\windows\system32' end object CopySrcFile: TEdit Left = 93 Top = 50 Width = 52 Height = 22 TabOrder = 1 Text = '*.txt' end object doCopyFiles: TButton Left = 30 Top = 252 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Copy Files' TabOrder = 14 OnClick = CopyFiles end object CopyTarDir: TEdit Left = 5 Top = 85 Width = 416 Height = 22 TabOrder = 3 Text = 'c:\tempfiles' end object doCopyAbort: TButton Left = 150 Top = 190 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Abort' Enabled = False TabOrder = 15 OnClick = doAbortClick end object doDeleteCheck: TButton Left = 150 Top = 221 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Check Delete Files' TabOrder = 16 OnClick = DeleteFiles end object doDeleteFiles: TButton Left = 150 Top = 252 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Delete Target Files' TabOrder = 17 OnClick = DeleteFiles end object NetLogon: TEdit Left = 45 Top = 115 Width = 111 Height = 22 TabOrder = 4 end object NetPassword: TEdit Left = 230 Top = 115 Width = 101 Height = 22 PasswordChar = '*' TabOrder = 5 end object CopySubdirs: TCheckBox Left = 270 Top = 150 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Include Sub Directories' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 7 end object CopyEmptyDirs: TCheckBox Left = 270 Top = 170 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Copy Empty Directories' TabOrder = 8 end object CopyWow64Disable: TCheckBox Left = 270 Top = 190 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Disable Wow64 Redirect' TabOrder = 9 end object CopyIgnorePath: TEdit Left = 242 Top = 50 Width = 174 Height = 22 TabOrder = 2 Text = 'c:\temp\' end object CopyFileRepl: TComboBox Left = 107 Top = 145 Width = 113 Height = 22 TabOrder = 6 Text = ' Never' Items.Strings = ( 'Never' 'Always' 'If Different' 'If Newer') end object CopyZip: TCheckBox Left = 270 Top = 210 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Zip Files During Copy' TabOrder = 10 end object CopyUnzip: TCheckBox Left = 270 Top = 230 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Unzip Copied Files' TabOrder = 11 end end object TabSheet2: TTabSheet Caption = 'TIcsFtpMulti' ImageIndex = 1 object Label9: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 10 Width = 43 Height = 14 Caption = 'FTP Host' end object Label10: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 40 Width = 30 Height = 14 Caption = 'Logon' end object Label11: TLabel Left = 199 Top = 40 Width = 50 Height = 14 Caption = 'Password' end object Label21: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 70 Width = 74 Height = 14 Caption = 'Secure Server:' end object Label22: TLabel Left = 110 Top = 100 Width = 40 Height = 14 Caption = 'FTP Port' end object Label23: TLabel Left = 220 Top = 100 Width = 42 Height = 14 Caption = 'SSL Port' end object Label24: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 130 Width = 183 Height = 14 Caption = 'Noop Keep Alive (minutes, 0 for none)' end object Label25: TLabel Left = 145 Top = 151 Width = 133 Height = 14 Caption = 'Bandwidth Limit (KBits/sec)' end object FtpUsername: TEdit Left = 41 Top = 35 Width = 143 Height = 22 TabOrder = 1 Text = 'anonymous' end object FtpPassword: TEdit Left = 255 Top = 35 Width = 161 Height = 22 PasswordChar = '*' TabOrder = 2 Text = 'test@' end object FtpServerType: TComboBox Left = 90 Top = 65 Width = 241 Height = 20 Style = csOwnerDrawFixed ItemHeight = 14 TabOrder = 3 end object FtpHost: TComboBox Left = 55 Top = 5 Width = 361 Height = 22 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'www.magsys.co.uk' Items.Strings = ( 'www.magsys.co.uk' 'ics.ftptest.org' 'filezilla.ftptest.org' 'msftp7.ftptest.org') end object FtpPassive: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 100 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Passive Mode' TabOrder = 4 end object FtpPort: TEdit Left = 165 Top = 95 Width = 46 Height = 22 TabOrder = 5 Text = '21' end object FtpPortSsl: TEdit Left = 270 Top = 95 Width = 46 Height = 22 TabOrder = 6 Text = '990' end object FtpKeepAlive: TEdit Left = 203 Top = 125 Width = 46 Height = 22 TabOrder = 7 Text = '10' end object FtpNoFeatCmd: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 155 Width = 126 Height = 17 Caption = 'No FEAT Command' TabOrder = 8 end object FtpBandWidth: TEdit Left = 315 Top = 147 Width = 46 Height = 22 TabOrder = 15 Text = '0' end object FtpNoZlib: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 175 Width = 126 Height = 17 Caption = 'No Mode Z Compress' TabOrder = 9 end object FtpNoTmpFile: TCheckBox Left = 145 Top = 175 Width = 134 Height = 17 Caption = 'No TMP File for Xfers' TabOrder = 12 end object FtpNoUtf8: TCheckBox Left = 285 Top = 174 Width = 100 Height = 17 Caption = 'Turn UTF8 Off' TabOrder = 16 end object ftpNoHost: TCheckBox Left = 145 Top = 195 Width = 117 Height = 17 Caption = 'No HOST Command' TabOrder = 13 end object ftpIgnoreUtf8: TCheckBox Left = 285 Top = 195 Width = 100 Height = 17 Caption = 'Ignore UTF8 ' TabOrder = 17 end object FtpNoMd5: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 195 Width = 126 Height = 17 Caption = 'No MD5 Check' TabOrder = 10 end object FtpNoCrc: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 215 Width = 126 Height = 17 Caption = 'No CRC Check' TabOrder = 11 end object FtpFixPassiveLanIP: TCheckBox Left = 145 Top = 215 Width = 146 Height = 17 Caption = 'Fix Passive LAN IP Addr' TabOrder = 14 end end object TabSheet5: TTabSheet Caption = 'Multi FTP' ImageIndex = 4 object Label8: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 10 Width = 21 Height = 14 Caption = 'Path' end object Label13: TLabel Left = 125 Top = 35 Width = 82 Height = 14 Caption = 'Source File Mask' end object Label12: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 140 Width = 73 Height = 14 Caption = 'Local Directory' end object Label28: TLabel Left = 143 Top = 55 Width = 52 Height = 28 Caption = 'Ignore Directories' WordWrap = True end object Label30: TLabel Left = 143 Top = 95 Width = 81 Height = 14 Caption = 'File Replacement' end object FtpPath: TEdit Left = 60 Top = 5 Width = 361 Height = 22 TabOrder = 0 Text = '/' end object FtpSrcFile: TEdit Left = 227 Top = 30 Width = 194 Height = 22 TabOrder = 6 Text = 'd*.zip' end object FtpLocDir: TEdit Left = 3 Top = 160 Width = 416 Height = 22 TabOrder = 11 Text = 'c:\tempfiles' end object doFtpDownCheck: TButton Left = 123 Top = 195 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Check Download' TabOrder = 13 OnClick = FtpDownload end object doFtpDownFiles: TButton Left = 120 Top = 225 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Download Files' TabOrder = 16 OnClick = FtpDownload end object doFtpAbort: TButton Left = 350 Top = 195 Width = 60 Height = 25 Caption = 'Abort' Enabled = False TabOrder = 15 OnClick = doAbortClick end object doFtpUpCheck: TButton Left = 237 Top = 195 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Check Upload' TabOrder = 14 OnClick = FtpUpload end object doFtpUpFiles: TButton Left = 237 Top = 225 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Upload Files' TabOrder = 17 OnClick = FtpUpload end object doFtpList: TButton Left = 5 Top = 195 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'List Host Files' TabOrder = 12 OnClick = doFtpListClick end object FtpSubdirs: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 55 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Include Sub Directories' TabOrder = 2 end object FtpDelDone: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 95 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Delete After Transfer' TabOrder = 4 end object FtpDelOldTar: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 75 Width = 136 Height = 13 Caption = 'Delete Old Target Files' TabOrder = 3 end object FtpCopyAllDir: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 35 Width = 114 Height = 17 Caption = 'Copy All Directory ' TabOrder = 1 end object FtpEmptyDirs: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 115 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Copy Empty Directories' TabOrder = 5 end object doFtpUpThread: TButton Left = 237 Top = 255 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Upload (Thread)' TabOrder = 20 OnClick = doFtpUpThreadClick end object doFtpListThread: TButton Left = 5 Top = 225 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'List Files (Thread)' TabOrder = 18 OnClick = doFtpListThreadClick end object doFtpDownThread: TButton Left = 120 Top = 255 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Download (Thread)' TabOrder = 19 OnClick = doFtpDownThreadClick end object FtpIgnorePath: TEdit Left = 227 Top = 60 Width = 194 Height = 22 TabOrder = 7 Text = '/work/' end object FtpMultiFileRepl: TComboBox Left = 246 Top = 90 Width = 113 Height = 22 TabOrder = 8 Text = ' Never' Items.Strings = ( ' Never' 'Always' 'If Different' 'If Newer') end object FtpMultiUnzip: TCheckBox Left = 267 Top = 137 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Unzip Downloaded Files' TabOrder = 10 end object FtpMultiZip: TCheckBox Left = 120 Top = 137 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Zip Files During Upload' TabOrder = 9 end end object TabSheet4: TTabSheet Caption = 'Single FTP' ImageIndex = 3 object Label15: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 10 Width = 60 Height = 14 Caption = 'Remote Path' end object Label16: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 40 Width = 98 Height = 14 Caption = 'Download File Name' end object Label17: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 60 Width = 96 Height = 14 Caption = 'Download Directory' end object Label18: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 110 Width = 127 Height = 14 Caption = 'Upload File Path and Name' end object Label32: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 165 Width = 81 Height = 14 Caption = 'File Replacement' end object Ftp1Path: TEdit Left = 75 Top = 5 Width = 346 Height = 22 TabOrder = 0 Text = '/software' end object Ftp1SrcName: TEdit Left = 125 Top = 35 Width = 216 Height = 22 TabOrder = 1 Text = 'dunman.zip' end object Ftp1LocDir: TEdit Left = 3 Top = 80 Width = 418 Height = 22 TabOrder = 2 Text = 'c:\tempfiles' end object doFtpDown1: TButton Left = 18 Top = 250 Width = 96 Height = 25 Caption = 'Single Download' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = doFtpDown1Click end object doFtpUp1: TButton Left = 127 Top = 250 Width = 96 Height = 25 Caption = 'Single Upload' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = doFtpUp1Click end object Ftp1UpFile: TEdit Left = 3 Top = 131 Width = 413 Height = 22 TabOrder = 5 Text = 'c:\tempfiles\dunman.zip' end object Ftp1DelDone: TCheckBox Left = 250 Top = 164 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Delete After Transfer' TabOrder = 3 Visible = False end object doFtpAbort1: TButton Left = 238 Top = 250 Width = 76 Height = 25 Caption = 'Abort' Enabled = False TabOrder = 7 OnClick = doAbortClick end object Ftp1FileRepl: TComboBox Left = 110 Top = 160 Width = 113 Height = 22 TabOrder = 8 Text = ' Never' Items.Strings = ( ' Never' 'Always' 'If Different' 'If Newer') end object Ftp1Zip: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 190 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Zip Files During Copy' TabOrder = 9 end object Ftp1Unzip: TCheckBox Left = 153 Top = 190 Width = 136 Height = 17 Caption = 'Zip Files During Copy' TabOrder = 10 end end object TabSheet3: TTabSheet Caption = 'TIcsHttpMulti' ImageIndex = 2 object Label5: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 0 Width = 93 Height = 14 Caption = 'Source HTTP Paths' end object Label6: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 145 Width = 82 Height = 14 Caption = 'Source File Mask' end object Label7: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 209 Width = 77 Height = 14 Caption = 'Target Directory' end object Label14: TLabel Left = 284 Top = 168 Width = 79 Height = 28 Caption = 'Bandwidth Limit (KBits/sec)' WordWrap = True end object Label33: TLabel Left = 217 Top = 145 Width = 81 Height = 14 Caption = 'File Replacement' end object Label34: TLabel Left = 111 Top = 170 Width = 63 Height = 14 Caption = 'Parse Levels' end object HttpTarDir: TEdit Left = 5 Top = 225 Width = 416 Height = 22 TabOrder = 6 Text = 'c:\tempfiles' end object doHttpDownCheck: TButton Left = 135 Top = 255 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Check Down Files' TabOrder = 8 OnClick = HttpDownload end object doHttpDownFiles: TButton Left = 3 Top = 255 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Download Files' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = HttpDownload end object doHttpAbort: TButton Left = 260 Top = 255 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Abort' Enabled = False TabOrder = 9 OnClick = doAbortClick end object HttpSrcFile: TComboBox Left = 100 Top = 140 Width = 111 Height = 22 TabOrder = 1 Text = '*.zip' Items.Strings = ( '*.ide' '*.zip' '*.htm' '*.*') end object HttpSrcDir: TMemo Left = 5 Top = 20 Width = 416 Height = 115 Lines.Strings = ( 'http://www.magsys.co.uk/dunman/default.asp') ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False end object HttpBandWidth: TEdit Left = 380 Top = 170 Width = 46 Height = 22 TabOrder = 5 Text = '0' end object HttpFileRepl: TComboBox Left = 316 Top = 140 Width = 113 Height = 22 TabOrder = 2 Text = ' Never' Items.Strings = ( ' Never' 'Always' 'If Different' 'If Newer') end object HttpParsePage: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 165 Width = 89 Height = 17 Caption = 'Parse HTML' TabOrder = 3 end object HttpParseLevels: TEdit Left = 205 Top = 170 Width = 46 Height = 22 TabOrder = 4 Text = '0' end object HttpUnzip: TCheckBox Left = 6 Top = 185 Width = 141 Height = 17 Caption = 'Unzip Downloaded Files' TabOrder = 10 end end object TabSheet6: TTabSheet Caption = 'File Clean-up' ImageIndex = 5 object Label35: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 130 Width = 124 Height = 16 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Clean-up Directory' WordWrap = True end object Label36: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 183 Width = 158 Height = 14 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Clean-up Mask with Wildcard' end object CleanupType: TRadioGroup Left = 5 Top = 5 Width = 191 Height = 96 Caption = 'File Clean-up Method' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Delete Files by Age' 'Delete Files by Dates' 'Zip Files by Age, then Delete' 'Zip Files by Dates, then Delete') TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CleanupTypeClick end object BoxCleanupDays: TGroupBox Left = 210 Top = 5 Width = 211 Height = 44 Caption = 'Clean-up By Age' TabOrder = 1 object Label115: TLabel Left = 10 Top = 20 Width = 78 Height = 14 Caption = 'Older than Days' end object CleanupDays: TEdit Left = 123 Top = 16 Width = 53 Height = 22 Hint = 'ie log-2021*.log' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 Text = '90' end end object BoxCleanupDates: TGroupBox Left = 212 Top = 51 Width = 211 Height = 85 Caption = 'Clean-up Date Range' TabOrder = 2 object Label109: TLabel Left = 10 Top = 24 Width = 49 Height = 14 Caption = 'From Date' end object Label114: TLabel Left = 10 Top = 50 Width = 36 Height = 14 Caption = 'To Date' end object CleanupDateFrom: TDateTimePicker Left = 93 Top = 20 Width = 99 Height = 22 Date = 36526.000000000000000000 Time = 0.540688657398277400 ParseInput = True TabOrder = 0 end object CleanupDateTo: TDateTimePicker Left = 93 Top = 50 Width = 99 Height = 22 Date = 43466.000000000000000000 Time = 0.540688657398277400 TabOrder = 1 end end object CleanupFileMask: TEdit Left = 170 Top = 177 Width = 96 Height = 22 Hint = 'ie log-2021*.log' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 4 Text = 'log*.log' end object CleanupSubDirs: TCheckBox Left = 280 Top = 178 Width = 174 Height = 17 Caption = 'Sub Directories' TabOrder = 5 end object CleanupPath: TEdit Left = 5 Top = 148 Width = 418 Height = 22 TabOrder = 3 Text = 'c:\tempfiles' end object doCleanupCheck: TButton Left = 135 Top = 213 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Check Path' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = doCleanupCheckClick end object doCleanupStart: TButton Left = 15 Top = 213 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Start Clean-up' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = doCleanupStartClick end end object TabSheet7: TTabSheet Caption = 'Single File Copy' ImageIndex = 6 object Label37: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 0 Width = 54 Height = 14 Caption = 'Source File' end object Label38: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 50 Width = 52 Height = 14 Caption = 'Target File ' end object Label39: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 110 Width = 81 Height = 14 Caption = 'File Replacement' end object Copy1FileTar: TEdit Left = 5 Top = 70 Width = 416 Height = 22 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'c:\tempfiles\newname.txt' end object Copy1Replc: TComboBox Left = 110 Top = 110 Width = 113 Height = 22 TabOrder = 1 Text = ' Never' Items.Strings = ( 'Never' 'Always' 'If Different' 'If Newer') end object Copy1FileSrc: TEdit Left = 3 Top = 20 Width = 416 Height = 22 TabOrder = 2 Text = 'c:\tempfiles\oldname.txt' end object doCopyOneFile: TButton Left = 5 Top = 150 Width = 101 Height = 25 Caption = 'Copy One File' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = doCopyOneFileClick end end object TabZipping: TTabSheet Caption = 'Zip/Unzipping Files' ImageIndex = 7 object LabelZipDir: TLabel Left = 5 Top = 174 Width = 116 Height = 14 Caption = 'Specific Unzip Directory' end object ZippingExtFmt: TRadioGroup Left = 207 Top = 117 Width = 186 Height = 56 Caption = 'FTP Upload Zip Name Format' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Add Zip Extension' 'Replace Extension with Zip') TabOrder = 3 end object UnzipZipPath: TRadioGroup Left = 5 Top = 35 Width = 176 Height = 123 Caption = 'Unzipping Directory' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'None' 'New Directory ' 'Use Original Paths' 'New Dir and Orig Paths' 'Specific Directory' 'Specific Dir and Orig Paths') TabOrder = 1 end object UnzipDownDel: TCheckBox Left = 5 Top = 12 Width = 181 Height = 17 Caption = 'Delete After Successful Unzip' TabOrder = 0 end object ZippingType: TRadioGroup Left = 207 Top = 38 Width = 199 Height = 73 Caption = 'File Copy Zip Type' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Unzip Target Files' 'Zip Source Files, Add Zip Exnt' 'Zip Source Files, Replace Extn') TabOrder = 2 end object UnzipDir: TEdit Left = 5 Top = 197 Width = 416 Height = 22 TabOrder = 4 Text = 'c:\tempfiles' end end end object LogDelim: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 398 Width = 922 Height = 137 Align = alBottom Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 14 end object ShowDiagsHigh: TCheckBox Left = 460 Top = 120 Width = 231 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show High Level Diagnostic Information' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 7 end object doExit: TButton Left = 474 Top = 255 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Exit' TabOrder = 12 OnClick = doExitClick end object ShowDiagsLow: TCheckBox Left = 460 Top = 140 Width = 231 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show Low Level Diagnostic Information' TabOrder = 8 end object ShowDiagsSSL: TCheckBox Left = 460 Top = 160 Width = 231 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show SSL Dump Diagnostic Information' TabOrder = 9 end object doClear: TButton Left = 570 Top = 255 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Clear' TabOrder = 13 OnClick = doClearClick end object ShowXProgesss: TCheckBox Left = 460 Top = 100 Width = 140 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show Extended Progress' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 6 end object RevokeCheck: TCheckBox Left = 615 Top = 80 Width = 121 Height = 17 Caption = 'SSL Revoke Check' TabOrder = 4 end object VerifyCertMode: TRadioGroup Left = 749 Top = 80 Width = 151 Height = 68 Caption = 'Verify Certificate Mode' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'None' 'PEM Bundle File' 'Windows Cert Store') TabOrder = 5 end object ReportChain: TCheckBox Left = 460 Top = 80 Width = 141 Height = 17 Caption = 'Report SSL Certificates' TabOrder = 3 end object SslSecurity: TComboBox Left = 713 Top = 165 Width = 182 Height = 22 Style = csDropDownList ItemIndex = 0 TabOrder = 10 Text = 'Ignore' Items.Strings = ( 'Ignore' 'None' 'SSLv3 Only' 'TLSv1 Only' 'TLSv1.1 Only' 'TLSv1.2 Only' 'TLSv1.3 Only' 'TLSv1 or Better' 'TLSv1.1 or Better' 'TLSv1.2 or Better' 'Backward Ciphers' 'Intermediate Ciphers' 'High Ciphers, 2048 keys' 'High Ciphers, 3072 keys' 'High Ciphers, 7680 keys') end object DirLogs: TEdit Left = 537 Top = 50 Width = 341 Height = 22 TabOrder = 1 end object XferSockFamily: TRadioGroup Left = 793 Top = 193 Width = 102 Height = 96 Caption = 'Socket Family' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'Any' 'Prefer IPv4' 'Prefer IPv6' 'Only IPv4 ' 'Only IPv6') TabOrder = 11 end object NoSSL: TCheckBox Left = 615 Top = 100 Width = 87 Height = 17 Caption = 'No SSL/HTTPS' TabOrder = 15 end object TimerUpdates: TTimer OnTimer = TimerUpdatesTimer Left = 690 Top = 265 end end