object TntFormOptionsListview: TTntFormOptionsListview Left = 360 Top = 265 BorderStyle = bsNone Caption = 'TntFormOptionsListview' ClientHeight = 414 ClientWidth = 454 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object SpTBXPanelBkGnd: TSpTBXPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 454 Height = 414 Align = alClient TabOrder = 0 TBXStyleBackground = True DesignSize = ( 454 414) object SpTBXGroupBoxGeneral: TSpTBXGroupBox Left = 160 Top = 16 Width = 281 Height = 225 Caption = 'General' Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] TabOrder = 1 object SpTBXCheckBoxShowTitleBar: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 75 Width = 87 Height = 15 Hint = 'Shows/Hide the Titlebar in the Dockable Listview' Caption = 'Show Title Bar' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxListviewHilightCompressed: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 93 Width = 132 Height = 15 Hint = 'Shows compressed files in a different color' Caption = 'Hilight Compressed Files' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxHilightEncryptedFiles: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 112 Width = 122 Height = 15 Hint = 'Shows encrypted files in a different color' Caption = 'Hilight Encrypted Files' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxListviewGridLines: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 130 Width = 88 Height = 15 Hint = 'Shows gridlines between items and columns in Details view' Caption = 'Show Gridlines' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxDblClickBkBrowse: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 149 Width = 252 Height = 15 Hint = 'Causes the Listview to browse to the parent folder when double c' + 'licking in the background' Caption = 'Browse up one level on background double click ' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxAutoSizeItemCaptions: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 167 Width = 103 Height = 15 Hint = 'Causes the listview to calculate the size of the cell needed to ' + 'fully display all items captions in views with single line capti' + 'ons' Caption = 'AutoSize captions' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxQueryInfoHints: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 18 Width = 125 Height = 15 Hint = 'Shows/Hides the information that is shown when the mouse is hove' + 'ring over a file' Caption = 'Show File Popup Hints' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = SpTBXCheckBoxQueryInfoHintsClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxListviewHotTrack: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 186 Width = 63 Height = 15 Hint = 'Hilights the item captions when the mouse is over the item' Caption = 'HotTrack' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxSelectFirst: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 56 Width = 123 Height = 15 Hint = 'Causes the Listview to always select the first item in the list' Caption = 'Always select first item' TabOrder = 8 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxQueryInfoTipThumbs: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 36 Width = 105 Height = 15 Caption = 'Include Thumbnail' TabOrder = 9 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end end object SpTBXGroupBoxColorFont: TSpTBXGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 145 Height = 97 Caption = 'Color and Font' TabOrder = 0 object SpTBXButtonListviewFont: TSpTBXButton Left = 8 Top = 56 Width = 73 Height = 25 Hint = 'Sets the Font for the History Window' Caption = 'Font...' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = SpTBXButtonListviewFontClick end object SpTBXButtonListviewBkGndColor: TSpTBXButton Left = 8 Top = 24 Width = 73 Height = 25 Hint = 'Sets the background color for the History Window' Caption = 'Color...' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = SpTBXButtonListviewBkGndColorClick end object SpTBXEditListviewSample: TSpTBXEdit Left = 88 Top = 26 Width = 49 Height = 55 TabStop = False AutoSize = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 2 end end object SpTBXGroupBoxSelection: TSpTBXGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 248 Width = 433 Height = 73 Caption = 'Selection' Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] TabOrder = 2 object SpTBXCheckBoxSelectionGradient: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 52 Width = 102 Height = 15 Hint = 'Draws the selection in a translucent "glass" manner' Caption = 'Gradient Blending' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxSelectionFocusRect: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 99 Height = 15 Hint = 'Shows/Hides the focus rectangle around the item with the input f' + 'ocus' Caption = 'Focus Rectangle' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end object SpTBXCheckBoxSelectionFullRow: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 34 Width = 92 Height = 15 Hint = 'Items selections are drawn around the entire item cell' Caption = 'Full Row Select' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end end object SpTBXGroupBoxQueryInfoTimeout: TSpTBXGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 112 Width = 145 Height = 129 Caption = 'Popup Hints Timeout' TabOrder = 3 object SpTBXSpinEditPopupHintTimeout: TSpTBXSpinEdit Left = 24 Top = 24 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'Sets the length of time the File Popup Hints will be displays in' + ' milliseconds' TabOrder = 0 OnChange = IsDirtyClick Alignment = taLeftJustify SpinButton.Left = 62 SpinButton.Top = 0 SpinButton.Width = 15 SpinButton.Height = 17 SpinButton.Align = alRight SpinOptions.MaxValue = 10000.000000000000000000 end end object SpTBXCheckBoxHideIcons: TSpTBXCheckBox Left = 168 Top = 220 Width = 69 Height = 15 Hint = 'Hides/Shows the icons from the Listview' Caption = 'Hide Icons' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = IsDirtyClick end end object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController IgnoreList.Strings = ( '*.Font.Name' 'SpTBXEdit*.*' 'SpTBXPanel*.*' 'TBXLink*.*') StoreList.Strings = ( '*.Caption' '*.Hint') Left = 331 Top = 88 LangData = { 1600546E74466F726D4F7074696F6E734C697374766965770101000000010000 00070043617074696F6E01170000001600537054425847726F7570426F78436F 6C6F72466F6E74010100000002000000070043617074696F6E00170053705442 58427574746F6E4C69737476696577466F6E7401020000000400000007004361 7074696F6E03000000040048696E74001D005370544258427574746F6E4C6973 7476696577426B476E64436F6C6F72010200000006000000070043617074696F 6E05000000040048696E740017005370544258456469744C6973747669657753 616D706C6500001400537054425847726F7570426F7847656E6572616C010100 000008000000070043617074696F6E0019005370544258436865636B426F7853 686F775469746C65426172010200000016000000070043617074696F6E150000 00040048696E74001600537054425847726F7570426F7853656C656374696F6E 010100000027000000070043617074696F6E001E005370544258436865636B42 6F7853656C656374696F6E4772616469656E7401020000002800000007004361 7074696F6E30000000040048696E74001F005370544258436865636B426F7853 656C656374696F6E466F63757352656374010200000029000000070043617074 696F6E31000000040048696E74001D005370544258436865636B426F7853656C 656374696F6E46756C6C526F7701020000002A000000070043617074696F6E32 000000040048696E74000F00537054425850616E656C426B476E640000260053 70544258436865636B426F784C6973747669657748696C69676874436F6D7072 657373656401020000002C000000070043617074696F6E2E000000040048696E 740022005370544258436865636B426F7848696C69676874456E637279707465 6446696C6573010200000034000000070043617074696F6E3300000004004869 6E74001E005370544258436865636B426F784C69737476696577477269644C69 6E6573010200000039000000070043617074696F6E3B000000040048696E7400 1D005370544258436865636B426F7844626C436C69636B426B42726F77736501 020000003A000000070043617074696F6E3C000000040048696E740021005370 544258436865636B426F784175746F53697A654974656D43617074696F6E7301 020000003E000000070043617074696F6E3D000000040048696E74001D005370 54425847726F7570426F785175657279496E666F54696D656F75740101000000 3F000000070043617074696F6E001D0053705442585370696E45646974506F70 757048696E7454696D656F7574010100000042000000040048696E7401010000 000E0053756245646974427574746F6E3000001B005370544258436865636B42 6F785175657279496E666F48696E747301020000004100000007004361707469 6F6E40000000040048696E74001D005370544258436865636B426F784C697374 76696577486F74547261636B010200000044000000070043617074696F6E4300 0000040048696E740016005370544258436865636B426F784869646549636F6E 73010200000047000000070043617074696F6E46000000040048696E74001800 5370544258436865636B426F7853656C65637446697273740102000000490000 00070043617074696F6E48000000040048696E74001F00537054425843686563 6B426F785175657279496E666F5469705468756D627301010000004A00000007 0043617074696F6E00} end end